Are Your Beliefs Preventing You From Accomplishing Your Goals?

accomplishing your goalsIt’s been said, “You are what you believe.” If you believe you are a winner…you will win.  If you believe you are a failure…you will fail.  If you believe you are successful…you will attain success.  If you believe you can do it…you will.  If you believe you can never lose weight…you will remain overweight.  If you believe you can’t find a wonderful person to spend the rest of your life with…you won’t.

Your belief helps to create the fact.  Hence, be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your world is a manifestation of your belief system, which is driven by your desires and controlled by your thoughts and actions. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

What do you desire….really and truly? Often people do not have a clue about what they really want, but they have a good idea about what they do not want. Now is a good time to assess the quality of your life, evaluate your goals and determine the end result you want to achieve. Put your goals in writing and place them where you can see them throughout the day.  

Here are three powerful tips to help you accomplish your goals:

1. Be inquisitive
We have a plethora of choices in which to research, learn and acquire new information.  Whatever you are looking to achieve in life, the resources available to you are endless.  Some of my favorite online resources are YouTube, Ted.org, LearnOutLoud, other blogs and ebooks.  An extremely valuable resource for me is people. Yes, people. Talk to as many people as possible who are already successful in what you want to achieve.  Identify people within your network that can be of assistance to you. Introduce yourself to them and explain your purpose for contacting them and ask them for some advice in helping you achieve your goal. More importantly, let them know how you can be a blessing to them and/or ask them how you can serve them. The worst thing that can happen is that they ignore you. The best thing that can happen is that they provide you with the information you need and offer support and encouragement in achieving your goals.

2. Be unique
Next, take the ideas and tips you have compiled and carefully examine them one by one.  The ideas that resonate with you, begin to massage them and make them your own.  There are some amazing things that will happen during this creative process.  Think of how you can approach your goal in a way that will be interesting and fun.  Get real creative and think outside of the box.  Expand your thoughts about what is possible. Resolve to not be confined and limited by your belief systems and do not be afraid to take risks.

3. Be positive
As you have learned by now, to obtain anything worthwhile will require that you endure challenges.  By now, you have learned that if you have a positive attitude and remain focused on your goals you can overcome any challenge.  However, it’s not just enough to think positive; but you must adopt a positive “daily diet.”  As the saying goes, “you are what you eat.” How much positivity do you ingest on a daily basis?  What do you view regularly?  What types of information do you read? Are your conversations throughout the day, more negative or positive?  When negative thoughts come to visit, how do you entertain them?  Are your goals and vision board posted where you can see them? Today, make a conscious decision to create a world for yourself that radiates positivity.

A belief is only a thought you continue to think. A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability -if you try even a little bit- to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction.”  Abraham-Hicks

Make a commitment that you will not let anyone or anything, including your belief systems stand in the way of reaching your goals.