Experiencing Joy In Ordinary Moments

joyful moments“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” ~ Marianne Williamson

Many of us have bought into the idea that we can only experience joy when something extraordinary happens.  Is this really true?  I believe joy can be found in the simplicity of life; ordinary moments.

As I reflect on my week, much of my joy has been derived from ordinary moments.  In fact, some of these joyful moments are found in my daily routines.  I am quite sure that you can find joy in some of your “routine” ordinary moments as well.  Oftentimes, I believe these moments are missed because we’ve become so distracted with the busyness of life.  We’re not stopping long enough to smell the roses.  Instead, we’re stopping just long enough to identify the next task or the next fire to put out.

As I write this post, I am sitting in the dining room, watching Gabriella run around in the back yard.  She is pushing the swing back and forth and dodging it to prevent from being hit…LOL!  I experience great joy when I watch my daughter running around playing by herself.  I love her independence, energy and forms of expression. There are so many children in this world that are sickly and are unable to run around in their backyard experiencing the wind blowing through their hair and the sun beaming down on their face.  Lord, thank you; I am so grateful that my child is healthy and happy.  Here are a few more ordinary moments I experienced this week that brought me great joy:

1. While Gabriella and I were learning about the black bear on ABCMouse.com, she learned the word “hibernating.”  Moments later when I tested her on what she had learned, she said, “Mommy, black bears ‘flabernate’ in the winter.”  Of course she meant to say, “hibernate.”  It was such a “cute” and “joyful” moment.  I burst out laughing and she laughed even harder.

2. Two of my coaching clients this week, emailed me to say that they experienced a major breakthrough.  I cannot convey in words the joy I feel as I work with my clients to help them aspire to greatness in every area of their life.  Truly, it’s my passion.

3. Gabriella doing sit ups with me and doing her best to keep up…it’s just the funniest thing.

4. Reading and identifying quotes to paste on social media, and experiencing the joy in knowing that someone will be encouraged, motivated, empowered, energized and inspired to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!

5. Experiencing my daughter’s very vivid imagination as she plays house with her dolls and sets up her Dora table for tea time.  The imagination of a four year old…there’s nothing like it.  What a coincidence…as I am writing this post, she’s setting up the Dora table and Mr. Bear and Baby Alive are her first guests J.  I wonder who else is coming.  She’s now telling me that I need to get ready to join them.  So, I guess I better hurry and finish this post :).

6. Writing this article with a knowing that someone will be inspired to LIVE. DO. BE. THINK. HIGHER!

7. Experiencing excitement as I my view my vision board and read my affirmations.  The joy that I feel knowing that my vision will come to past is priceless.

8. Gabriella running toward me with her black and yellow notebook, saying “Mom, I’m ready to do my lessons. ” I truly believe she’s going to grow up to become a lifelong learner.

9. Gabriella playing the guitar (for make believe) and singing along with Strawberry Shortcake.  She insists on watching this 20-minute cartoon EVERYDAY and doing the singing along.  And of course, she insist that I take front and center to watch her performance…yet again :).

10. I haven’t done this in the past 3 weeks, but it’s worth mentioning.  One of the things that bring me great joy is sitting on the beach, while reading, visioning, relaxing and meditating.  What makes it even more joyful, is watching Gabriella have the time of her life :).We’ll have to get back there before the weather changes.

In these ordinary moments, I experience joy that fills me with peace, love, hope and gratitude.  So, what are the ordinary moments that bring you joy?  I would like to invite you to take 10 minutes out of the 1440 minutes you have been given today and write them down.  After that, express gratitude and appreciation for the moments and the joy you have experienced.  Finally, please share 1-2 moments in the comments box below.   I believe that the sharing of your moments will inspire others to recognize and appreciate how good things really are.

Well, it’s tea time!  Gabriella, Mr. Bear and Baby Alive are awaiting my arrival :).



Are You Doing What You Love?

“There is no greatness without a passion to be great, whether it’s the aspiration of an athlete
or an artist, a scientist, a parent, or a businessperson.” ~ Anthony Robbins

Are You Doing What You Love?


Does this question sound familiar, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I’m sure you were asked this question dozens of times during your youth. What was your response?  When asked the question, without hesitation I would exclaim “I want to be a teacher!

At 8 years old, I enjoyed tutoring and instructing my siblings who were 7, 6 and 5 years of age.  I digress for a moment as I recall the looks and comments I have received over the years, when I share the ages of me and my siblings.  We are stair steps—literally, 10-12 months apart.  All I can say is that my parents were excited about creating a family :).  So now, back to my story.

Playing teacher with my siblings was so exciting and rewarding.  Watching their little faces light up when they answered a question correctly or came to understand a concept that once challenged them, gave me so much joy.  I felt that I was making a difference.  I remember tutoring students in math and rejoicing with them when they grasped and/or solved a math problem that they once thought was beyond their comprehension.  For me, being a teacher was my calling.

We all had dreams of becoming something great.  For you it may have been a teacher, fireman, lawyer, chef, journalist, veterinarian or a rock star, just to name a few. Well, how did you do? What are you doing now?  Are you doing what you love?  As we grow older, life becomes busier and things change.  Jobs, marriages, children and businesses have a way of getting us off track.  However, at some point we must get back on the path that will lead us to true fulfillment.  Doing what you love brings true fulfillment. Are you aspiring to realize the dreams from your youth?

Earlier, I shared with you that at 8 years old I was convinced that I wanted to be a teacher.  I truly believed it was my “calling.”  However, during a career fair in high school I became disappointed by the salary ranges for a teacher and decided to pursue business.  I have spent the past 25 years in the business sector; and guess what…I AM A TEACHER!  As a speaker, trainer and coach I am blessed to share information that motivates and inspires individuals to aspire to greatness.  At the end of the day, this is called “teaching”.  I am grateful to God, that on a daily basis I am able to “teach” in some form.  Thank God for the inventions of “blogging” and social media, because it has enabled me to widen my classroom.

As some of you may know, I have been fighting a bacterial infection over the past five weeks.  During the past 5 weeks, I have lost my voice twice for a period of 3-4 days.  For two weeks, I was confined to bed and completely drained of my energy.  Although I was sick, I was appreciative for the gift.  The gift to be still, quiet and reflective.  As I was convalescing, I had quite a bit of time to think about my life and realized that I’m truly doing what I love…I am living my passion.  What I realized is that it’s time to take things to the next level.  Going to the next level will require me to make some bold and life changing decisions, but I’m ready.  So, I am excited about the next chapter of my life. Let me ask you, “What will the next chapter of your life entail?”  Will it include you finally doing the things that you love?

While no job or business is perfect, the important thing is to enjoy it and learn from it. If you are unhappy in your current situation, take steps NOW to change it!  You only live once. Somewhere out there is a job or business that is perfect for you. If you are already there, I applaud you. If not, realize that it may take some time to figure out what you really want to do, and even more time to actually get there. That’s all right! Just make a decision and begin the journey.  I can tell you from experience that finding and doing what you love is absolutely worth it, every step of the way.  I am pursuing my purpose with passion; and there’s no greater feeling!

Do what you love, and love what you do, whatever that may be. You’ll be happier for it, trust me. It’s the only way to truly ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!