Aspire to Raise Your Leadership Lid!

21 Laws

“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” ~ John Maxwell

John Maxwell says, “Your leadership is like a lid or ceiling on your organization. Your leadership ability is the lid that determines your level of effectiveness and potential.”  To increase your effectiveness and potential, you must raise your leadership lid.  Raising your leadership lid is especially important, if you have the responsibility of leading others; whether it’s your family, business, team, group, church or organization. 

Our families, communities, businesses and groups need us to lead higher!

In John Maxwell’s book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, he explains The Law of the Lid in this way:

Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness.  The lower an individual’s ability to lead, the lower the lid on his potential.  The higher the individual’s ability to lead, the higher the lid on his potential.  To give you an example, if your leadership rates an 8, then your effectiveness can never be greater than a 7.  If your leadership is only a 4, then your effectiveness will be no higher than a 3.  Your leadership ability—for better or for worse—always determines your effectiveness and the potential impact of your organization.

The lower our leadership lid, the less influence we have in the lives of those we’re responsible for leading.  It’s important to understand that just because you are in a position of authority, it doesn’t mean that people are following you by choice.  They may simply be following you by default.

I would like you to take a moment to examine the level of growth in your life, career, business and relationships. 

How would you rate your level of effectiveness in leading in these areas?
Are you experiencing growth, failure or stagnation? 

Your success in these areas, will grow in proportion to your leadership lid!

To raise your lid and develop your leadership skills, I would like to invite you to attend a FREE 10-week in-depth study on John Maxwell’s book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.  This is an amazing opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded professionals and leaders who are dedicated and motivated to making effective and lasting changes to their lives in a collective group.  Having the support and ideas from other focused and driven people allows us to see things differently and to get a new perspective on goals and action plans. These sessions will be held one hour a week via conference call.

As a certified John Maxwell coach and trainer, I will use the principles from the book as a guide for the group.  Together, we will learn how to effectively raise our leadership lid by understanding and implementing the principles of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.   The Law of the Lid is just one of the 21 laws we will study.

To join my next FREE Mastermind Group Study please click here.  There is a nominal fee for the book, which you can secure either through direct purchase from my website or the retailer of your choice. Please be sure to purchase the version pictured in this blog post.  This small investment will reap great benefits to you, upon the completion of the mastermind study.  Once you complete the Mastermind Group Study, you will receive a certificate of completion.

I am donating my time and the cost of presenting this material as my way of broadening my business and giving back to my aspiring community.  If this resonates with you and you can commit to one of the groups listed above, please fill out the form at the end of this blog post ASAP. There are only 10 seats available for each group study.     

Here’s some specific information on the Mastermind Group Study:

  1. The mastermind meets the same time each week, via conference call as we study the book.
  2. You will receive a handout, prior to each session.
  3. You will be provided with the conference dial-in information upon reserving your spot.
  4. All sessions will be recorded, and available for replay.
  5. Upon reserving your spot, you will receive the link to join the private “Aspiring Leaders” Facebook group.  The purpose of the group is to support and encourage one another to lead higher in our homes, teams, organizations and communities; to provide a forum for further learning, discussion and sharing of ideas; and other information pertinent to our growth and success.
  6. The meetings are confidential and run professionally with a curriculum and complete respect for each participant’s privacy as well as complete respect for each participant’s time.
  7. There is a level of commitment on my part to deliver the best material to you in the allotted time with the utmost standards of professionalism as well as a level of commitment on your part to come to each meeting on time, prepared and with a positive attitude.
  8. As we move through each lesson, as a group we will bring together our ideas and opinions that will help shape and mold our understanding of the material in a way that is far superior to simply reading a book on your own. We will be combining all of our minds to becoming a master mind.
  9. Your expectation of the Mastermind Group Study will be to increase your awareness and understanding on how to evolve into an effective leader – raising your leadership lid to a new level.

Please complete the brief form below to reserve your spot. 


I look forward to us taking this journey together.

Have an ASPIRING day!

Always Aspiring,



Yes!  I am interested in joining the Mastermind Group Study and leading on a higher level!

(Upon submitting the form, if you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please contact me directly at coachrosalynd@gmail.com)


What Else Could It Mean?

Businesswoman Reading Paperwork“When someone behaves in a way that is disagreeable to you, before you jump to the wrong conclusion, ask yourself, ‘What else could it mean?’” How many times have you been guilty of jumping to the wrong conclusion because you did not clearly examine all the facts? But rather, you accepted the first answer your mind provided. Here’s a side note, we must remember that the way we process and filter information is based upon our own experiences and view of the world. So, what does this mean? Our view is distorted. Therefore, it’s important to obtain pertinent information before reaching a conclusion.

As human beings, nearly all of us have a tendency to want to be right. Consequently, we will examine a situation; reach a conclusion; and then accept it as truth without considering all the facts. Clearly, reviewing the facts about a situation can help shed some light on our “perceived” truth.

On many occasions, we have been guilty of accepting the surface answers we give ourselves without testing the answer for accuracy. This thinking can be especially destructive within relationships. If we are engaging in a cycle of jumping to conclusions, rather than getting to the truth or “heart” of the matter, we will build relationships based on lies. Can you envision how this could erode relationships over time?

It’s important to understand, that each of us have a different belief system, consequently we see, hear, filter and process information differently. Additionally, we each have different biases and prejudices based on our experiences. To help you develop the discipline of asking yourself, “What else could it mean?” please consider the following:

1.  Engage in active listening

Listen with the intent to understand and hear; not to offer your opinion or rebuttal. Active listening requires that you repeat back or paraphrase to the individual what you heard them say. This technique helps to improve communication as it conveys to the person that you were listening and that you care about what they have to say. Furthermore, the individual is assured that the message was received as it was intended.

2.  Gather additional information

Do you remember the saying, “There’s more to this than meets the eye.” Oftentimes, there is much more going on in a situation than what is being communicated or what can be assessed on the surface. Consequently, before reaching a conclusion, we must act responsibly in gathering and reviewing as much information as possible before drawing a conclusion and/or making a decision.

3.  Conclude objectively

Leave your personal feelings, biases and prejudices out of the equation. Now, this can be easier said than done. However, one can exercise objectivity with practice. The more you focus on the facts, the easier it will be for you to be objective.

Let me give you two examples of how easy it can be for us to jump to the wrong conclusions, because we do not take out the time to ask ourselves, “What else could it mean?”

1. Your female manager is often cantankerous and belligerent. She rarely socializes with members of her team or upper management in and outside of work. The conclusion drawn is that she’s mean, unfriendly and does not know how to effectively interact with or manage people. Have you asked yourself, “What else could it mean?” Well, after repeated complaints, her manager sits down with her and learns that she has been in a physically abusive marriage for 5 years. She has been unaware of how her pain and fear is being manifested at work. Because she is unable to beat on him, she beats on other people with her attitude and words.

2.  A husband has been despondent for the past 3 months. Whenever his wife asks him what’s wrong, he responds, “I’m fine. It’s nothing you have done. I am just dealing with some issues at work.” The wife concludes that her husband no longer loves her and has lost interest in her. “Maybe he’s having an affair,” she says. Have you asked yourself “What else could it mean?” Maybe it means that 4 months ago he began experiencing sharp pains in his head and dismissed them as headaches due to work related stress. Well, while at work one day the pain was so bad, his manager suggested that he go to the emergency room. After several tests and x-rays the doctors concluded that he has an advanced stage of brain cancer with 6-9 months to live. He has been struggling with dying and how to tell his wife and kids. Furthermore, his life insurance policy has lapsed and due to his pre-existing condition, he is unable to obtain a new policy.

From these two examples, can you see how easy it is for us to jump to the wrong conclusion? ASPIRE TO GREATNESS is about living, doing, being and thinking on a higher level. To walk in our greatness, we must better manage our relationships and exercise responsibility in asking ourselves, “What else could it mean?”

Thank you for reading this article.  Please feel free to leave a comment.  I would love to know your thoughts.  Remember, sharing is caring Wink.

Have a FANSPIRING day!

Always Aspiring,