Never Give Up On Your Vision!

Never Give Up On Your Vision“When the world says, ‘Give up,’ Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time.’” ~ Author Unknown

What do you do when you have an amazing vision, and are challenged to make it a reality? Answer…NEVER GIVE UP!

Do you remember the initial excitement –which lasted for months—that you experienced about your vision?  Do you remember the many sleepless nights, due to the excitement and anticipation of things to come?  Do you remember cramped fingers, as you filled your pad with thoughts and ideas?  Do you remember words of inspiration flowing through your veins and spilling into your voice recorder at 2:00 a.m.?  Do you remember the initial days of planning and the timeline that revealed when things were going to happen?

Do you remember feeling like, this is never going to happen?  Well, I do.  Navigating the seas of uncertainty, doubt and feelings of failure can be very challenging.  As we travel the path to making our vision a reality, the journey is often filled with obstacles, detours, delays and questioning one’s ability to accomplish the vision.  Sometimes, these impediments can cause one to throw in the towel due to feelings of overwhelm and failure.  In this moment, we can find comfort in the scripture, “And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run.  This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming – it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.”  Boy…PERSPECTIVE IS EVERYTHING!  This scripture is GREAT NEWS!  No matter the challenges, we are reminded that our vision WILL happen at the appointed time. 

On our way to accomplishing the vision, we forget that there is a process to be endured.  Truth be told, if we had it our way, we would avoid 80% of the process.  Here’s a thought: rather than focus on how long the vision is taking to manifest, focus on who you are “becoming” in the process.  On my way to accomplishing my vision, ASPIRE TO GREATNESS was birthed.  Through my process, I have become more compassionate, empathetic, loving, patient and kinder towards others. More importantly, I am learning how to be these things FIRST to myself.  Remember, we treat people, according to how we treat ourselves.  Additionally, I have become more self-aware and live life more consciously.

While navigating the seas of uncertainty, doubt and feelings of failure, it’s vital that we have an array of things we can tap into and/or access to provide us with comfort, support, encouragement and inspiration.   I would like to share four specific things I turn toward and pray they will be of great benefit to you on your journey to accomplish your vision.

1.  Prayer

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Phillipians 4:6-7

What I love about prayer is that it is free and available to all.  Regardless of where you and are and what you are faced with, God sees and hears you.  Prayer is an opportunity to talk to God.  Sometimes en route to accomplishing your vision, there is no one to talk to.  It’s comforting to know that during these times of difficulty, you can always to talk God.  Make a commitment today, to pray and present your requests to him regarding your vision.  Be sure to ask him for peace and wisdom on how to guard your heart and mind during this season of waiting.

2.  Inspirational Readings

What you feed your mind during this season, will determine how you respond to the challenges.  During the time of this posting, I am reading Brene Brown’s bestseller, “The Gifts of Imperfection.”  The message of this book is to let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are.  It’s a guide to wholehearted living.  In her preface, Brene opens with this quote, “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”  WOW…how profound!  It’s amazing how during our process to achieve our vision, we want to disown the part of our story that is painful, makes us feel shame and unworthy.  I am learning that my power comes from embracing my “entire” story.  To fully embrace my story, is to fully embrace who I am…imperfections and all.  The extent to which I can provide myself with compassion, kindness, love and acceptance, is the extent to which I will be successful.

So what do you feed your mind and spirit on a daily basis?  I enjoy reading the bible, quotes, books, and blogs.  Inspirational readings help to feed and build up your spirit man.  During challenging times, you need a reservoir of inspiration that you can draw from to quicken and strengthen you for your journey.

3.  Meditation

Prayer is YOU talking to God and meditation is GOD talking to you.  In this season of my life, meditation has become a valuable companion.  Through meditation, I am able to get still and quiet.  In this stillness, I gain clarity and am better able to hear from God and my higher self.  Meditation quiets my negative self-talk and drowns out the voices of the naysayers, which enables me to become more focused.  In this way, I am better equipped to search for solutions and to keep my mind focused on accomplishing the vision.

4.  Music

Music is one of our greatest gifts.  Hunter S. Thompson said, “Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.”

In those moments when I feel as if I don’t have the energy to take another step toward my vision, my mind says in a loud voice, “It’s time for Janelle Monae – ‘Without A Fight.’”  Without hesitation, I run to my laptop, select the song from my playlist, and turn the volume up very high.  While dancing, laughing and singing at the top of my lungs, I can feel the positive energy coursing through my veins.  After an encore, I am fueled and ready to go!  I WILL NEVER GIVE UP AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!

If you’re at the point where you feel like giving up, please listen to “Without A Fight.” Dance, sing, scream and laugh!  Do whatever you need to do until you feel a rush of energy; a rush of inspiration; a feeling of hope.  In that moment, know that all is well.  Know that you have someone in your corner who believes in you…me 🙂 .  I know you can do it.  NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR VISION MY FRIEND…FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!


Why Exist…When You Can Live…30 Days At A Time!

JOIN THE MOVEMENT2Join the A.S.P.I.R.E Movement and Live!

Several months ago, I watched a TED Talk titled, “Try Something New for 30 Days,” by Matt Cutts. During his talk, Matt shared with the audience that several years ago he felt like he was stuck in a rut and decided to try something new for 30 days. Matt makes a great point by saying, “I guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days.”

Matt’s video has inspired me to start a movement that will profoundly change people’s lives and help them A.S.P.I.R.E. Let me ask you, “How do you eat an elephant?” Yes, I know you already know the answer, “one bite at a time.” Why not apply the same concept to your life? So, I ask you, “How can you create the life you want and deserve?” Here’s the answer: “30 days at a time.”

A.S.P.I.R.E.: What Does It Mean?

Achieve   Significant   Progress   Inspiring   Results   Every 30 Days

If you are like me and Matt, you have fallen into a rut where you feel as if you are “existing” instead of “living.” What do I mean by that? Well, let’s do a quick exercise. Please read the statements below and check all those that apply to you.

1. You know there is greatness inside of you; but you haven’t been able to unlock it.
2. Your life is not as fulfilling as you would like it to be.
3. You are giving those you love 90% of your time, and only allocating 10% for your self-care.
4. You lack the drive, motivation and discipline to accomplish your goals.
5. You are in a relationship that is not growing and has lost its sizzle.
6. There are many things you would like to do, but find yourself procrastinating.
7. Your life lacks balance.
8. Your life has become one big routine, with minimal deviation.
9. Your life lacks spontaneity.
10. Your life is filled with more of the things you don’t want and less of what you really want.
11. It has been awhile since you’ve tried something new and exciting.
12. You are not sure why you are here, why you were created. You desire to discover your divine purpose.
13. You know there’s more, but you are not sure what it is or how to obtain it.
14. You have become stagnant…you are not growing spiritually, personally and/or professionally.
15. You want to utilize your gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others; but not sure where to start.
16. You feel that your life lacks meaning and significance.
17. You struggle with planning and setting goals.
18. You plan, but lack the initiative to implement.
19. You feel as if you are existing and not living.
20. You have lost your drive.

If you checked 5 or more of the statements, I have a solution for you…join the movement!

What You Will Receive When You Join the Movement

• a FREE “Get Ready to A.S.P.I.R.E.” online webinar to provide you with the information, and support to assist in a successful 30-day journey.
• a FREE 31-day email coaching program to inspire you to A.S.P.I.R.E.
• a community of like-minded aspiring individuals to provide accountability and support to ensure your success.
• a platform to share your successes and to inspire others to A.S.P.I.R.E.
• an opportunity to create your best life now!

Just ponder these questions for a moment…

What would my life look like if I joined the A.S.P.I.R.E. Movement?

How would those closest to me be positively impacted?

What impact will I have on my family, relationships, community, church and organization as I grow and live a more fulfilling life?

How would the world be impacted if thousands of individuals joined the A.S.P.I.R.E. movement?

OK…one more quick assignment. Please answer YES or NO to the following questions.

Are you interested in…?

1. living a more fulfilling and rewarding life?
2. living a life of purpose with passion?
3. making your vision a reality?
4. developing or eliminating bad habits?
5. establishing successful behaviors?
6. doing something new to enrich and enhance your life?
7. being a part of a movement and community that is aspiring to create and live their best life now?
8. being connected to a community that provides accountability and support to ensure your success?
9. making a difference in the lives of others through the sharing of your accomplishments?
10. achieving success in every area of your life?

If you answered YES to 3 or more statements, then I invite you take this journey with me.

Accountability + Support = Success!

I truly believe that if you have accountability and support; you can succeed at anything. When you join the A.S.P.I.R.E. movement, you will be connected to other like-minded individuals that are on the same journey. Like you, there are many others who want to A.S.P.I.R.E. in their:

• Relationships
• Career
• Business
• Health
• Finances
• Spiritual Life
• Etc., etc., etc.

If you answered YES to any of the questions below, then let’s A.S.P.I.R.E together!


Within a few days of joining the movement, you will receive a Welcome email and an invitation to the “Get Ready to A.S.P.I.R.E” webinar.

We kick off early June!

Always Aspiring,

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Summon The Courage To Dream Again!

Dream Again“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” T.E. Lawrence

Like many of you, in my childhood I dreamed many dreams.  Many of them were extraordinary and seemed impossible.  The more my imagination grew, the bigger my dreams grew.  As children, we had an amazing ability to look fear in the face and laugh at it.  In fact, we dared fear to give us a run for our money.  However, somewhere along the journey of dreaming big, LIFE HAPPENED! 

When life happens, we don’t dream as big.  The gap between the impossible and possible grows wider and wider.  For those of you who have stopped dreaming altogether, I have a message for you.  “You must dream, because if you don’t, you’ll die.”  Not physically, but in every other way, you will cease to exist.  Yes, I know to ask you to dream again or to dream big may be a scary proposition. You have dreamed many dreams and after 5, 10, 15 years they haven’t come true.  Perhaps you have stopped dreaming because you’ve completely given up hope that your dreams will ever come true.  Well today, I would like to offer you one word of hope, “COURAGE.”   I pray that today you will summon the courage to dream again.  Remember this, as long as you are still alive there is still time to realize your dreams.

I am happy to share with you that I have started dreaming big dreams.  The older I get, the more I understand that my life doesn’t belong to me, but to the people whom I’ve been called to serve.  Furthermore, most of my dreams involve other people.  My dreams continue to serve as insight into my purpose and brings clarity to the vision that God has given me.  Hence, I can never stop dreaming and neither can you.  For your dreams don’t just benefit you, but they affect the lives of others.

To help you on your journey,  I would like to share this powerful 3-minute video called “Dreams Are Whispers From the Soul.”  Many of your dreams are related to your purpose; the main reason for your existence.  Because of this, your soul will never stop dreaming.

Summon the courage to dream again my friend and ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!