About A2G
Just in case you didn’t know it, I believe you are here divinely. I believe everything happens for a reason, for a specific purpose.
Many years ago, I became consumed with “aspiring” and becoming the “best I could be” in every area of my life. About 3 years ago, I experienced a paradigm shift; an awakening. My life challenges had awakened me to the fact that true greatness is not measured in mere accomplishments of one’s goal or acquiring worldly status symbols, true greatness is a mindset. It’s a way of being, a way of thinking. In its simplest form, it is about doing everything in a great way. (Please be sure to read the post on “ASPIRE TO GREATNESS…What Does It Really Mean.?)
If you are here, it’s because something inside of you is saying, “There is more“. You have arrived at this blog, because you are ready ASPIRE TO GREATNESS! So, allow me to take you on a journey.
In February 1999, upon my first year anniversary of teaching at Hudson County Community College, in Jersey City, NJ, I wrote Samuel Lumbsden, Director of Continuing Education a “Thank You” letter for allowing me to teach professional development and computer training courses. In the letter, I thanked him for the opportunity to help the students “aspire to greatness.” At this time, “aspire to greatness” was just a heartfelt phrase. I had no clue what would be birthed 13 years later.
About three years ago, I conducted an empowerment seminar titled, “The Power of Why” for two different audiences. At both seminars, I released the words “aspire to greatness” into the atmosphere several times…unconsciously. Unbeknownst to me, the seed was being cultivated. Over the next 12 months, the spirit of “ASPIRE TO GREATNESS” continued to grow and spill out of me. If you follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Pinterest you know what I mean .
While conducting my 16-hour flagship program, “The Power of Purpose and Vision,” about 2 years ago, I told the audience that I was going to launch the blog witHin a few weeks. I setup the blog, and began learning the softwarE and developing the design. Can you guess what happened? WHOOSH…another Tsunami and the blog was delayed. So, although ASPIRE International the company had been birthed, ASPIRE TO GREATNESS was still sitting in my womb.
Finally, on February 2, 2013, the ASPIRE TO GREATNESS blog was birthed. I have experienced many pains and setbacks on the journey to launching this blog. More importantly, the journey to creating this blog has developed, stretched and matured me into the awakened and conscious being that I have become. In 2002 when I resigned from my company of 15 years to start The Empowerment Zone, I promised God that my message would be my life. I vowed that I would never stand before people, whether it be on a stage or in written form, and speak or declare something that I had not lived, wasn’t living, or aspiring to. Every life challenge, every Tsunami has prepared me to birth this blog.
Just a side note, I just have to say “I thank God for my vision board.” ASPIRE TO GREATNESS is off the shelf and changing lives because every day my vision board would speak to me and tell me that I am not my past, I am not my mistakes, I am not my current challenges; but that I AM GREAT AND GREATNESS IS WITHIN ME! More specifically, my vision board would say, “Rosalynd you are more than you can ever imagine. Greater works shall you do; because greatness is within you”. When people around me–including myself—lost faith in my ability to rebound, my vision board would say: “Rosalynd, your life does not belong to you. Every gift, talent and ability you possess belong to the people you are called to serve. So, get up from where you are, dust yourself off and ASPIRE TO GREATNESS, so that you can inspire and liberate others to do the same.” When your life challenges are telling you that you can’t make it, your vision board will say to you “YES YOU CAN!”
It is vital that we understand the difference between the facts and truths about our life. The fact may be that you are going through a lot and that you had a troubled past riddled with regrets, heart-break, confusion and failures. But, the truth is that you are not your past and you are not your failures. The truth is that you are what you say you are. The truth is that you are great and you can have the life you want. It starts with a decision.
“Inherent in every human being is the ability to become great…that means you.”
ASPIRE TO GREATNESS is about tapping into the greatness that is within you and to become all God has destined you to be. Being great is not about the size of your bank account; the color of your skin; your sex; your heredity; what kind of house you live in; where your work; financial status or your job title. ASPIRE TO GREATNESS is more than a journey; it’s a mindset! It’s a mindset that says, “I will do everything in a great way…from the smallest to the greatest task, because it’s who I am…I AM GREAT! For just a moment, imagine what your world and the world at large would look like if we could all walk in this mindset.
Let me further expand on what I believe it means to “ASPIRE TO GREATNESS.” To me, it means:
- walking in a spirit of excellence
- being a person of great integrity and character
- exercising moral and social responsibility
- awakening to your true self
- being authentic
- being self-aware
- living life “consciously”
- showing up for those that need and depend upon you, regardless of how you feel and what is and isn’t happening in your life
- being a servant
- being your brother and sister’s keeper in actions, not just in words
- being true to who you are without compromise
- intentionally and proactively becoming the change you want to see in the world.
What I Pray The Blog Will Do For You
My deepest desire is that you will be empowered, motivated, energized and inspired to create the life you want and deserve. To be the amazing individual you were created to be. More specifically, I pray that ASPIRE TO GREATNESS will help you to:
- discover and pursue purpose with passion
- create and manifest the vision for your life
- LIVE…DO…BE on a higher level in every area of your life
- embrace and appreciate the amazing person you are
- live an authentic life
- awaken to your true self and live consciously
- tap into the greatness within you and live from that place
What Can You Expect From The Blog
You can expect to receive information, practical tips, strategies, support and accountability (this will be the fun part) to help you:
- reprogram your subconscious mind for success
- discover and walk in your divine purpose
- identify and utilize your gifts and abilities to create the life you want and deserve
- become spiritually awakened to who you really are
- develop a spirit of excellence in everything you do
- embrace your higher self
- manage your relationships more effectively
- LIVE…DO…BE on a higher level
Furthermore, ASPIRE TO GREATNESS will provide various events, coaching solutions, and FREE online webinars to help you become your highest and best self.
In Closing…
Throughout my life, I have listened to the account of many tragic stories, to only hear the survivor say “If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.” For some of these incidents, I didn’t quite understand the logic behind the thinking; but now I do. Because here’s what I’ve learned, in many instances your tragedy will give birth to solutions that others are seeking. The outcome of your tragedy will result in an idea that can empower a nation or save a generation. It is through our tragedy that we give birth to our greatness. Through my Tsunmais I have emerged stronger, wiser, more humble; more appreciative; and more compassionate. I have learned how to love on a higher and deeper love. I have emerged embracing my true identity with a knowing of who I “really” am. I am clear about my divine purpose and why God allows me to get up every morning. I was created to be great and so were you. It’s time for you to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS; and you can begin right now, regardless of where you. Remember, just start small. When you achieve greatness in the small tasks; the harder ones become much easier.
So, if you are you ready, please be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss one post.
Let’s go…it’s going to be an amazing journey!
Always Aspiring,
Your Sister and Friend