“Ladies For Such A Time As This” Blog Talk Radio Show

BTR 2“The Power of Affirmations and Visualization – Pt. 2”

What an empowering show!!!

Sandra Haynes Sawyer, Esq and I would like to thank those who tuned into the “Ladies For Such A Time As This” Blog Talk Radio Show on Saturday, March 16. We truly hope that you walked away equipped with some knowledge and strategies on how to effectively use affirmations and visualization to create the life you want and deserve.

Remember, what you do has everything to do with your belief system. Therefore, it is imperative that you reprogram your subconscious mind for success and change your limited and negative belief systems. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Today you must AFFIRM and VISUALIZE the life you want and deserve.

To purchase a copy of Dr. Lucille Farrell-Scott and Dr. Sunne-Ryse S. Smith book, “I AM THAT” please click on the link. This book is sure to help you develop the affirmations you need to attract the things you want in your life.

If you were unable to tune into the show, please click here to listen to the replay.

We look forward to you tuning in with us on Saturday, April 6.

Have a FANSPIRING day!

Always Aspiring,
Your Sister and Friend

The Power of Affirmations and Visualization


Join me and Sandra Haynes Sawyer, Esq. for a powerful  30-minute discussion on “THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS AND VISUALIZATION – PT. 2,” on Saturday, March 16 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST. We are continuing our discussion from our last show on how these two strategies can help you reprogram your subconscious mind for success and assist you in functioning at a higher level of consciousness.

If you have not done so already, please click on the link to listen to the replay of the last show “THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS AND VISUALIZATION – PT 1” (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ladies-for-such-a-time-as-this/2013/03/02/the-power-of-affirmations-and-visualization).

To join us on the air on Saturday, March 16 @ 10:00 AM, simply click on the images or dial in at (714) 409-0612.


You don’t want to miss this show ladies, this information is vital to your success.

We look forward to you tuning in to our “Ladies for Such A Time As This” show.

Blog Talk Radio

Have a FANSPIRING day!

Always Aspiring,


What I Know For Sure

What I Know For SureOn the eve of my 45th birthday, February 26, I could hear Oprah Winfrey’s infamous question playing over and over again in my mind, “What do you know for sure?” Over the past couple of years, I have observed her ask this question of many guests as they share stories and pass on their wisdom. It’s March 11, and this question has been playing as a loop in my mind.

As I envision myself sitting across from Oprah, we are engaged in stimulating conversation regarding our life experiences and lessons learned. Our time together is drawing to a close, and she smiles and asks me, “Rosalynd, what do you know for sure?” I share the following thoughts:

1. Being a Great Mother Is My Greatest Role

About a year ago, a colleague I worked with many years ago applauded me on Facebook for being a great mother to my now 28-year old daughter. Although, I appreciated her comment, I responded “No, I wasn’t a great mother, I was a good mother and here’s why…” I am sure that many people reading my comment were thinking to themselves, “What is going on with her and why is she admitting this publicly?” Well, let me first share something with you about me. I believe in the power of transparency. In this world today, I believe many of the epidemics we face are because most people don’t have the courage to stand up and just be real. I wonder what the state of our marriages, relationships, companies, communities and churches would look life if we exercised great courage…just something to ponder.

As a single mother raising my daughter, I struggled with the stigma of being a teen mother.  I harbored feelings of guilt because my daughter’s father was not actively involved in her life; and the list goes on and on. Consequently, I developed a mindset and value system of acquiring and attaining. I truly believed that if I provided my daughter with every material thing; sent her to the best schools; filled her life with great activities; purchased a home and excelled as a professional and entrepreneur, then I would become a great mother. WRONG…WRONG…WRONG! Providing your child with things doesn’t make you a great mother. Ask your adult child…ask yourself what your experiences were growing up.

What I know for sure about being a great mother is this, you must:

a. tell your child every day that you love them and how special they are.

b. be emotionally available.

c. be actively present when they show up.

d. teach them morals and values.

e. exercise great responsibility in what you allow them to hear and view. Everything they are exposed to will develop their personality and belief system (by the age of 7), which will determine who and what they become.

f. allow them to be themselves and not what you want them to be.

g. nurture the gifts, talents and abilities ALREADY within them. Each person was born unique, for a specific purpose. Help your child discover who THEY are, not what you want them to become.

h. be impeccable with your words. Whatever you tell your child about who they are, they will believe and become it. Your words hold the key to shaping your child’s destiny.

i. love your child unconditionally for who they are and where they are.

j. love, protect and nurture your child, no matter what.

My beautiful 4-year old Gabriella is very independent, verbal, opinionated and energetic. Most times, she is a handful. But you know what, I love and appreciate her for who she is. I am not seeking to change her, but to develop and cultivate the awesome gifts, talents and abilities God has given her.

I believe that every human begin was created for a specific purpose. I believe we were all created to solve a specific problem; to be the answer for someone or something. What I know for sure is that Gabriella was created for purpose and that she is my gift. How Gabriella serves and shows up in the world will be an indication of the mother I am to her. Because she is the solution to a problem, my greatest role will be in how I love, nurture, protect, guide and serve her.  This is what I know for sure.

2. The Only Person You Have the Power to Change is Yourself

Like many of you, for many years I held the belief that I actually had the power to change the people I loved the most; such as my husband, children, parents and siblings. Although, I have heard all my life, “You can’t change anyone but yourself,” I believed there was an exception to the rule that other people had not yet figured out. In most cases, I believed that if someone really loved me and wanted to make me happy, they would change their negative behaviors and attitudes. I was so wrong. While change is very necessary, it can be difficult.

What I know for sure is that no one has the power to change another, nor should they seek to do so. People will only change if they believe they need to change, coupled with a strong desire to do so. If people do not see the need to change, there is nothing you can do to bring about change in their lives. Change is a personal decision.

At best, we have the power to influence one to change their actions, behavior, attitude or opinion; which is quite different. As human beings, we constantly seek to change another, when we should be consumed with changing ourselves. Like Gandhi, I believe that we must aspire to become the change we want to see in the world…and so, change begins with you.

These are the things I know for sure. When you know better, you do better. I am now inspired to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS in these areas of my life. Will you join me?

If you enjoyed this post, please be sure to subscribe to the blog as this will be a continued series.

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. I hope you were inspired to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!

Always Aspiring,


Visualization Is Daydreaming With A Purpose

daydreamby Richard Fast

“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.” ~ Bo Bennett

Many people’s reaction to visualization is that it’s a lot of New Age fluff.

Not so fast!

Visualization is such a powerful mental tool because we can literally create the experience we desire if the actual one we want is not available.

It’s a very real and effective tool. In fact, whether you know it or not, you practice visualization all the time.

Through our imagination and “visualization,” we can create a virtual experience. Science has proven that the human nervous system is incapable of distinguishing between actual experience and the same experience imagined vividly in complete detail.

Worry is a perfect example of how we create the synthetic experience. When we worry about something, what are we actually doing? We are projecting ourselves mentally, emotionally and even physically into a situation that hasn’t even occurred!

If you think visualization doesn’t work, or if it’s just an over hyped self-help gimmick, let’s consider the following: Have you ever heard of anyone who has worried so intensely about something that they’ve actually made themselves sick?

The fact is, if a person worries intensely enough about failure he will experience the same reactions that accompany actual failure! He will experience feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, humiliation and eventually physical ailments such as headaches and ulcers. As far as his mind and body are concerned, he has failed. And if he worries about a particular problem long enough, if he concentrates and visualizes failure intensely enough, he will fail.

If you think about it, worry is the negative use of creative imagination and visualization. It simply can not be anything else. Worry is nothing but a vividly imagined, negative, synthetic experience. It can’t be anything other than synthetic because it hasn’t happened!

The person who worries about failure is unwittingly defeating himself, while he’s literally “creating” his own future. He’s feasting on a banquet of negative data.

If he spent the same amount of time visualizing success he would reverse the process. Instead of anxiety, apprehension and fear, he could develop confidence and self assurance.

Each of us, whether we realize it or not, constantly practices visualization and self actualization.

Why not practice visualizing the person you most want to become, or the situation or outcome you most desire? Through visualization you can become the person you wish to become. Use your spare moments to concentrate on whatever it is you desire. Put more into the positive use of your imagination rather than devoting your focus and energy into worry. It really is that simple. Show me a worry wart who doesn’t achieve his “negative outcome.”

The process of visualization, whether it be good or bad, works every time.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. ~ Buddha

Each of us is the product of our thoughts and experiences. Through thought, we can control to an almost unbelievable degree our experience and our environment. Whether we choose to direct our course through life, or not, is entirely up to us. The important thing is that we know that we can. We have that power.

Richard Fast is a highly creative entrepreneur, product developer and writer who has designed a series of life-changing courses under the philosophy of “29 DAYS to a habit you want!” His simple step-by-step formula is an effortless guide for massive personal change and permanent results in weight loss, personal finances, communication and smoking. To learn more visit http://www.29daysto.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Fast

What’s Really Going On In Your Subconscious Mind?: The Power of the Subsconscious Mind


THANK YOU TO ALL THE LADIES WHO TUNED INTO OUR SHOW TODAY!  If you were unable to join us, due to the magic of technology, you can listen to the playback at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ladies-for-such-a-time-as-this/2013/02/16/whats-really-going-on-in-your-mind



Join me and Sandra H. Sawyer, Esq. on Blog Talk Radio, for a powerful 30-minute discussion on “What’s Really Going On In Your Mind: The Power of the Subconscious Mind,” on Saturday, February 16 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST.

“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.” ~ Robert Collier

The captain of your ship, which is your conscious mind, is responsible for navigating your life. When you make a conscious decision to do something, the subconscious mind is responsible for carrying out the order. What’s going on in your subconscious mind, will determine how the order is carried out. Some of you may feel as if your ship is either steering out of control or headed in the wrong direction. Join us on Saturday, as we discuss why this may be happening and what you can do to get back on course. (Please be sure to read “4 Powerful Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind To ASPIRE TO GREATNESS.”)

To join us on the air, simply click on the image or link below or dial in at (714) 409-0612. Be sure to invite a friend.

Blog Talk Radio

You don’t want to miss it; so let’s hear you on the line ladies… “For Such A Time As This!”


We look forward to you tuning in.

Always Aspiring,




A Moment of Transparency #1

A Moment of Transparency #1“Greatness of mind is not dependent upon one’s title, class or stature, but rather one’s ability to extend grace, love and compassion to another in the midst of adversity.” ~ Rosalynd M. Rambert

Just sharing…

Today, I find myself challenged as I contemplate the state of several personal relationships.   The more aware I become, and the more committed I become to “becoming the change I want to see in the world,” the phrase “relationships take work,” have taken on a completely new meaning.

As I navigate the complex waters of relationships, I have come to realize that many people don’t have a consciousness of what it takes to nurture, maintain and manage a healthy relationship.  Personally, I believe two of the main challenges we face is our “definition” and “expectations” of the relationship.  How have you “defined” the relationship you are in?  Does the person hold the same definition? What are your expectations for the relationship and the individual?  What have you committed to contributing to the relationship?  Are you proactively nurturing and managing the relationship in a healthy way?  Does the person place the same value on the relationship that you do?

Many of us suffer needlessly in relationships because our expectations of what that relationship can offer and produce are unrealistic.  To be fair, sometimes it’s hard to ascertain just how realistic our expectations are until the relationship hits a bump in the road–often disguised as conflict.  In most instances, I don’t believe you really know what’s in a person or what they are capable of until adversity strikes. Specifically, what do I mean?  Well, here’s a list of a few things to consider, some of which might be up close and personal for you.

How do you react and manage the person, when…

  1. they hold a differing opinion and/or perspective about something you believe in strongly?
  2. their belief system prevents them from being open to your way of thinking?
  3. they said something to hurt your feelings or assassinate your character?
  4. you feel that their comments toward you were dismissive and devaluing?
  5. they don’t place the same value on the relationship that you do?
  6. they have caused you great pain in areas where you had to trust God for healing?
  7. you feel they have completely misunderstood and ignored you in your greatest hour of need?
  8. they cut you off, for reasons that are unknown to you?

Be honest!  How do you really feel about this?  How does it affect you?  What crazy thoughts and ideas run through your mind?

Well, since I’m being transparent.  I’ll be really honest.  Sometimes it really hurts.  Sometimes it leaves me feeling as if there is something wrong with me.   Sometimes I say to myself, “Why should I continue to be so loving and helpful when most people don’t care.”  In this moment, it’s important to note that this is your ego talking.  The ego is easily offended–this is another subject entirely, which we’ll discuss at another time.  The ego wants to be loved; it wants to be comforted; it wants to be validated; it wants to feel important; IT WANTS TO BE RIGHT!  We can stay on this latter point for days…you know what I mean Wink.

As a human being, these feelings and tendencies are natural.  However, we must remember that we are spirit beings having a human experience; and we can tap into our higher self at any moment.  As spirit beings, we have the ability to transcend to a state of consciousness and intelligence that allows us to view the situation from other realm.

 On my journey of aspiring to greatness, I have and am still learning:

  1. to give up the right to understand why people do what they do
  2. to accept them for who they are and where they are
  3. to be grateful for the experience and ask myself, “What am I to learn from this situation?”
  4. to appreciate the experience; discover and embrace the lesson
  5. to hold no malice and forgive quickly
  6. to wish the individual well and pray for them
  7. that most times it’s not about right or wrong, but perspective
  8. because of our experiences and belief systems, we process and filter information differently
  9. we all have blind spots; no one sees everything
  10. to extend grace, love and compassion in the most challenging situations

More importantly, I am learning to take responsibility for everything I experience in my relationships.  After all, either I invited the person in my life and/or I taught them in some way how to treat me.  Now, this statement may be hard to swallow, but one worth digesting and pondering.


“When people show you who they really are, believe them?”  With this realization comes responsibility.  You now have to change your expectations and manage the relationship accordingly.  I must share one caveat to this quote.  Just as you are in your season of change and growth, so is this individual.  Hence, be careful about closing doors.  We are all guilty of having shown up as “not our best self.”  Just as people extended us grace, so we must do the same.  So, we must learn to accept and manage people based on where they are and not be so quick to throw people away.

As I ASPIRE TO GREATNESS, I am learning that “becoming the change you want to see in this world” is not easy.  But, I believe it can be done and I believe it’s necessary for so many reasons.  At the end of the day, we are all a work in progress.  No one ever arrives; for it takes daily commitment and the power of intention to reprogram our subconscious mind and create new belief systems that will ensure success in every area of our lives.  I continue to pray that we will LIVE…DO…BE on a higher level; beginning with me.

Please share your thoughts and feelings in the comment box below.  Sharing is powerful!  If you have not done so already, please be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss one ASPIRING post Smile.


4 Powerful Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!

Subconscious MindIt’s the evening before your 7-day Caribbean cruise to Antigua.  As you pack your suitcase, you are filled with anticipation of all the fun and adventurous things you and your six friends will do while cruising on the ship and indulging in the sights and activities on the Antiguan Island.

Beep, beep, beep…the alarm reads 5:00 AM. You jump excitedly out of bed and shower and dress within record time.  Screeching outside your doors are the tires of the yellow cab destined to the airport. As the driver zips and whizzes through traffic, you conference in the group to ensure everyone is en route to the airport.

Seven hours after the ship sets sail, you and your friends sense something has gone awry as you watch the staff move in a hurried fashion on the upper and lower decks. On your way to the restroom you overhear a crewman saying to another, “Can you believe the ship is off course? They better hurry and reprogram the system so the ship can get back on course.” Like the ship, many of you are off course. Why? Because of the faulty programming in your subconscious mind. Before you get offended, we all have faulty programming.  To get to the place you desire to be in life, you must reprogram your subconscious mind for success!

“You are like a captain navigating a ship. He must give the right orders, and likewise, you must give the right orders (thoughts and images) to your subconscious mind which controls and governs all your experiences.” ~ Dr. Joseph Murphy

So, what is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious is the part of your mind that is not immediately accessible by your conscious mind; it functions below your normal level of waking consciousness. Envision your subconscious as a huge filing cabinet that stores files such as: every wonderful and traumatic experience you have ever had, habits, skills, and every visual image you have ever seen.  In contrast, the conscious part of your mind is responsible for logic, generating thoughts, being proactive and deciding which path to take. In your conscious mind, all of these functions are completely under your control, unlike your subconscious mind.  The conscious mind makes decisions and gives orders to the subconscious mind.  Therefore, the subconscious will carry out the directive based on what is programmed, not necessarily what you are requesting.  Yes…I know, it sounds a bit scary….keep reading.

Your subconscious mind carries out the instructions of your conscious mind without questioning. Within your subconscious lies all your beliefs (including limited beliefs) and habits (what you do every day). Our beliefs and habits control our everyday life. Were you aware that 88% of your mind is comprised of the subconscious, which you do not actively control? On a daily basis you only use 12% of your conscious mind. Therefore, your subconscious mind is at the helm; it’s running the ship–you.

Is your ship on course?

Are you sailing in the right direction?

Is your subconscious mind programmed to help you achieve success in every area of your life?

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

There are several ways to reprogram the subconscious mind. We will explore four powerful and effective strategies within this article. These strategies are affirmations, visualization, meditation and positive self-talk.

Limited beliefs and negative habits can be reprogrammed by using affirmations. The subconscious mind learns through repetition. An affirmation is a definitive statement asserting that something exists or is true.  Every belief and habit you possess was formed through repetition; and we can implant new ones the same way. The first step toward implanting new beliefs and developing new habits is to know exactly what you really want to have, do and be. So, let’s explore affirmations!

Strategy 1: Affirmations

Affirmations are an effective way to plant positive messages into your subconscious. It is one of the most effective ways to change a limited or negative belief.  You must be careful of what you affirm as it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you continuously say “this is never going to work,” then it is highly probable that things never will.

Repetition of an affirmation changes the neural pathways in your brain over time to produce the new belief.  Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, PhD, a practicing neuropsychiatrist and associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Vermont School of Medicine says, “We can rewire the patterns in our brain with cognitive behavioral therapy or affirmations. Affirmations change the way our brains are wired and the brain lights up differently.”

Here are some examples of affirmations:

  1. I am a genius and use my mind, talents, gifts and abilities to produce wealth.
  2. I am living a life of divine purpose and destiny.
  3. I am emotionally, mentally and psychologically sound.
  4. I am focused and driven to create the life I want and deserve.
  5. I am a money magnet; money flows to me.

Strategy 2: Visualization

Visualization is a technique that involves focusing on positive mental images in order to achieve a particular goal. It is the ability to vividly imagine something—to “see” it in the mind’s eye—before it exists in any physical reality. Steve Jobs had a clear mental image of what the iPhone would look like and its functions and features before he and his team began to design and build it. Visual images have a huge impact on your brain, both consciously and subconsciously. Consequently, visualization is a great way to program/reprogram your subconscious mind.

Here’s a powerful example of visualization in motion:

Dr. Lee Pulos, a Sports Psychologist, Olympic Team Trainer, and the author of “The Power of Visualization,” describes an experiment the Soviets did with their 1980 Olympic Team and its highly skilled, world-class athletes. The athletes were divided into four groups using varying degrees of physical and visualization exercises.  Below is a chart illustrating the methods used.


%   of Method Used

  Physical Practice Visualization
Group A



Group B



Group C



Group D



So which team do you think won?  At the end of the Moscow Olympics and the Lake Placid Olympics, Group D had won the most medals.  There are countless other examples. VISUALIZATION WORKS!

Strategy 3: Meditation

Meditation plays a vital role in reprogramming the subconscious mind, because it helps to still the mind.  In this state, your brain becomes more receptive; it becomes fertile ground for whatever you want to “implant” into the mind.  Your conscious mind engages in the activities of writing powerful goals, creating a vision state, and developing affirmations. To have those seeds take root and flourish into reality, we have to get those words and images soaked deep into our subconscious mind. Placing yourself in a meditative state is an excellent way to help that process. Regular meditation trains your mind to hold its focus without getting distracted. Over time, meditation helps you to become laser focused.

Strategy 4: Positive Self-Talk

Several years ago, I read a powerful book, titled “What to Say When You Talk To Yourself,” by Shad Helmstetter about the power of the mind and using positive self-talk as a tool to reprogram the subconscious mind.

On a daily basis, we spend more time talking to ourselves than any other person.  Whether it’s a verbal tirade, an analytical discussion or the incessant chatter that takes place within our mind.  Our self-talk dictates our mood, behavior and guides our choices and decisions.  Perhaps the most powerful influence on your attitude and emotions is what you say to yourself, and believe. As I always say, “It is not what happens to you that really matters, but what you say to yourself about what happened.” Your response to the event or situation is what determines your thoughts and feelings and ultimately, your actions. By effectively managing your self-talk, you can begin to live your life on a higher level and create the life you truly want and deserve.

Your subconscious mind will believe whatever you tell it most. Therefore, you must spend time each day intentionally speaking positive self-talk to yourself. It is only through repetition that your subconscious mind will adopt its new programming. Then and only then, will you begin to change the autopilot of your mind to think these new thoughts automatically.

So, how can reprogramming your subconscious mind help you to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS?  Well, I am so glad you asked Smile.  Here’s the quick answer, “EVERYTHING.”  Everything begins and ends in your mind.  If you want to LIVE…DO…BE on a higher level, you must cultivate a mindset that will support that.  So, let’s start reprogramming our subconscious mind for success!

Based on what you have read today, please review the four strategies and share in the comments section below, what you WILL commit to do within the next 24 hours to help you ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!  Come on now…no procrastination.  Procrastination is for losers and you are a winner Smile.

Thank you for sharing and have a FANSPIRING day my friend.

Always Aspiring,

Your Sister and Friend


BLOG TALK RADIO: Ladies for Such A Time As This

IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO TUNE INTO THE SHOW, THE PLAYBACK IS AVAILABLE AT http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ladies-for-such-a-time-as-this/2013/02/02/how-to-preserve-your-vision


Please join me and my wonderful co-host Sandra Haynes Sawyer, ESQ on Saturday, February 2 @ 10:00 AM EST for a powerful 30-minute discussion on “How to Preserve Your Vision.” This discussion is sure to motivate, empower, inspire and energize you to recognize the power you have within to bring about the change you desire in all areas and aspects of your life!.

To join us on the air, please click on the image to navigate to the site, or you can dial in at (714) 409-0612.


We look forward to you tuning in.

Have a FANSPIRING day :Happy: