A Moment of Transparency #5: Embracing The “Real” Truth

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Woman Meditating in FieldThe more I learn about myself and the more I learn about other people, I am convinced that as much as we say we want truth, we don’t really want it. Why? Because embracing the “real” truth is hard. Truth in its purest form will expose and reveal the things we want to keep hidden about ourselves. After all, we want to appear to the world and to ourselves as having it all together. This is an illusion, a deception that we have bought into; which prevents us from being real and authentic. No one, has it all together. Growth is a life-long process. For the past three years, I have been on an “intentional” journey of growth. On this journey, I have been discovering and accepting certain truths about who I really am. Some things I am happy and excited about, and the other things, I simply refer to as my “growth zones.” I’ll liken the experience to an excavation. The deeper you go, the more you uncover. Some things you keep because of their value, and the other things you discard. Each time I face a truth, it positions me for growth. Limited belief systems are shattered and empowering ones are created. My level of consciousness and awareness increases. I become a better person; a better friend; a better mother a better coach, a better trainer, a better speaker. I grow in strength, wisdom, maturity, character, self-discipline and self-leadership. The more I grow, the more I am able to live my potential and serve others in a more significant way. Furthermore, I am much more compassionate and loving with myself.  For I have come to understand that I am not here to be perfect, but to grow.  Here’s, what I’m learning about “real truth:”

  • Real truth…will no longer allow you to play small, but to shine brightly.
  • Real truth…will force you to ask the question, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?,” then compels you to take action.
  • Real truth…will force you to deal with the things that you must, but don’t want to.
  • Real truth…will give you the courage to change directions, even when it’s not comfortable, acceptable or convenient.
  • Real truth…will help you to “see” people for who they really are. Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they really are the first time, believe them.” Well, when they’ve shown you who they are 2, 5, 10 times.  What is preventing you from accepting the “real” truth about who they are?
  • Real truth…will cause you to walk away from the people that tolerate you; instead of celebrate you. You know, the people that say “Oh my God, here she comes (with a frown),” instead of “It’s so good to see her!”
  • Real truth…will cause you to walk away from people and relationships that don’t serve or grow you. In fact, many of these relationships are hurting you on a mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and financial level. Some of these relationships are your family members and long time friends. Walking away from “family” and friends was and continues to be extremely difficult for me. But, I have given myself permission to do so.
  • Real truth…will cause you to see that you need to reclaim your power and your true identity; so you can no longer be controlled and manipulated. Somehow, being disrespected, dishonored and devalued has become more comfortable to you than walking away and standing in your truth. Is this any way for you to live?

This season has been one of significant growth for me. Changing, stretching, maturing and growing me in all the ways that matter. To truly ASPIRE TO GREATNESS, we must begin to LIVE. DO. BE. THINK…HIGHER! The starting point is to get real honest and embrace the truth about who you really are, and what you really want. You should ASPIRE to live a life that:

  • is authentically you!
  • honors you and makes you feel good about who you are!
  • enables you to live with passion and purpose!
  • gives you energy and puts a smile on your face every day!
  • allows you to show up as the amazing being you are and walk in your greatness!
  • enables you to live your full potential!

Let me warn you, embracing the “real” truth will take tremendous courage. In fact, all the courage you have and then some. But you know what, if I have been able to summon that level of courage, so can you. The truth is this…only the truth can set you free. The wonderful thing is that, your freedom will give you the wings that you need to grow and ASPIRE. I’m getting free; and would like to invite you to do the same. LET’S ASPIRE TO GREATNESS TOGETHER!

Are You “Minding” Your Relationships?

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Are You Minding Your RelationshipsAs I was reading an article this morning on the benefits of mindfulness, I asked myself, “How mindful are you in nurturing your relationships?” Well, I must confess, there is room for improvement. Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; more specifically, on purpose. Mindfulness involves a conscious direction of your awareness.

How mindful are you about the health and strength of your relationships? Many of us place a high value on relationships, yet, we are not intentional in nurturing our relationships with our spouse, significant other, child, friends, family members, employees, colleagues, or business associates.

Is it possible, that you are taking your relationships for granted? Well, I will be the first to raise my hand and say “Guilty as charged!” Like many of you, I have a long list of competing priorities and distractions. Consequently, what I value most sometimes falls to the bottom of my list of “What’s most important?” Today, I declare that “I will begin “minding” my relationships on a higher level.

To raise your awareness on how mindful you are in your relationships, please consider the following questions.

  1. What is your level of awareness regarding the strength and health of your relationships?
  2. Are you purposeful in tending to the needs of those most important to you?
  3. Are you purposeful in making a difference in their lives?
  4. Are you open to healthy criticism, and do you provide constructive feedback to contribute to their growth?
  5. Do you express compassion in their moments of vulnerability?
  6. Are you emotionally available or disconnected?
  7. Do you know what matters most to them?
  8. Are you committed to their growth and success?

The extent to which you nurture your relationships, will determine the level of joy, peace,
harmony and growth you experience within your relationships.

As you are “minding” your relationships, it’s important to note that you must take inventory of the people in your life that are adding value or are constantly taking and draining your energy. Anthony Robbins said, “Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.

The people in your life is your greatest resource and the relationship you have with them is a gift. All too often we are guilty of saying “I’ll do it later.” Remember, tomorrow is promised to no one. Cherish the people in your life and your relationship with them TODAY!

Today I pray that we would all become more mindful in nurturing our relationships.

Let us Live. Do. Be. Think HIGHER!

Have a great day and ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!

What’s Really Going On With You?

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What's Going On With YouAs a coach, confidante and friend, people will often share with me their feelings regarding the  challenges they are  facing in their personal, marital, parental and business relationships.  After carefully listening to them, I will often say, “Let’s explore what’s really going on with you.”  Recently, I had a similar conversation with myself, due to my emotional response to a challenge I am currently facing.  I asked myself, “Rosalynd, what’s really going on with you?  What is the root cause of your pain?”  As I pondered the questions, I wrote down every thought I could quickly capture.  After reviewing my thoughts, I realized that I needed to do some work on reprogramming my subconscious mind.  Consciously, I believed that I was a better place.  However, my emotional response conveyed otherwise.

It’s been scientifically proven that we’re only conscious 3-5% of the time. Many of our decisions and judgments are based on our subconscious programming, which is on auto pilot 95-97% of the times. In fact, many of our thoughts regarding an individual is not based on truth, but rather our programming about who we believe them to be. Have you ever been in a situation, where someone is judging you based on something they experienced with you 10, 5, or 2 years ago, and you are not the same person? Well, that’s the program playing in their mind.

As we interact with an individual, the story about who we believe them to be is formed in our subconscious mind. The greater the interaction, the greater the story. This story contains every thought you have about this individual; everything you have experienced with them; everything you have heard about them; everything they have ever done; and your prejudices and judgments concerning them. When you become engaged with this individual (either in person or in thought) the program begins to play…automatically. Many times, we can’t see who a person really is, because we can only see the story that we have created about who we think they are.

When issues surface in our relationships, the tendency is to focus on the flaws and faults of the other person.  It’s interesting how we’re completely oblivious to our own flaws and faults. When was the last time you asked yourself, “What’s really going on with me?” Let me ask you a few questions.

  1. Is it possible that your expectations for this person and/or relationship are unrealistic?
  2. Is it possible that your insecurities and fears are clouding your judgment? 
  3. Is it possible that you are filtering and processing what they say based on your limited and negative view of them or possibly yourself?
  4. Is it possible that you are upset because you feel they should be doing things your way?
  5. Is it possible that the present issue is triggering memories and experiences from past relationships?
  6. Is it possible that you are harboring feelings of jealousy, resentment, bitterness or anger?
  7. Is it possible that the story you have created about who you believe this person to be is faulty?
  8. Is it possible that you are projecting what you feel onto them?

I could go on and on and on, as the reasons are endless. The point is, we have to move beyond what see on the surface; and dig much deeper.

As I grow in awareness, the ‘aspire to greatness’ message is evolving. Let me just say, that it is moving me WAY beyond my comfort zone and stretching me in ways I could never imagine. The spirit of ‘aspire to greatness’ is about doing EVERYTHING in a great way; even when you are challenged to your core.

In this season of my life, one of my favorite quotes is, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” by Gandhi. I have to tell you, this is easier said than done. This requires me to live, do, be and think on a higher level. Albert Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Therefore, we must reach higher to effectively manage our challenges. At the end of the day, it’s not about what people do to you that matters, but how you respond to what they do.  After all, we do not have the power to change anyone.

So, I have learned how to pray for those that challenge me to my core and to extend grace to them. And, when I challenge them to their core, I ask for grace in return. Remember this, we are all running off of faulty programs. There is a bible verse that says, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” At the end of the day, we are all guilty of “not knowing.” Hence, we must be quick to forgive and extend grace.

It’s also important to note, that when you are challenged in your relationships, be very careful in your hastiness to ‘cut’ people off. Instead, consider repositioning them in your life and limit your interaction with them. People are not objects, they are human beings with feelings. At some point in our lives, we needed some time to ‘get ourselves together.’ If you live long enough, it won’t be the last time. In no way, am I suggesting that we comprise our peace of mind or tolerate abuse of any form, what I am suggesting is that we ‘consciously’ deal with people from a place of compassion and awareness.

There is so much I can write about on this topic. So, I think I’ll just stop here.

I am determined to Live. Do. Be. Think. HIGHER…how about you?

Have an amazing day my friend :).

Join My Mastermind Group Study

Join My Mastermind Group Study


The one thing you need to know about leadership is that there is more than one thing you need to know about leadership!” 

John C. Maxwell

Join the FREE 7-Week Mastermind Group Study and
Experience Significant Growth in Your:

Leadership ♦ Relationships ♦ Business ♦ Career ♦ Teams
Groups ♦ Awareness ♦ Consciousness  ♦ Confidence

Wednesdays,  January 21 – March 4 — 8:00 – 9:15 PM  

This is a FREE 7-week in-depth study that will afford you the opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded professionals and leaders who are dedicated and motivated to making effective and lasting changes to their lives in a collective group.  Having the support and ideas from other focused and driven people allows us to see things differently and to get a new perspective on goals and action plans.

Only 10 seats available.  Register today via the form at the bottom of this page.  Masterminds will be conducted via conference call.

21 Laws and JohnAs a certified John Maxwell coach and trainer, I will use the principles from the book as a guide for the group.  Together, we will learn how to effectively raise our leadership lid by understanding and implementing the principles of “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.” Here are a few of the 21 laws we will study:

1.  The Law of the Lid: Leadership Ability Determines A Person’s Level of Effectiveness
Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. Your leadership ability always determines your effectiveness and the potential impact to your organization/team/family.

2. The Law of Influence: The True Measure of Leadership is Influence – Nothing More, Nothing Less
True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and that cannot be mandated. It must be earned.

3.  The Law of Process: Leadership Develops Daily, Not in a Day
Leaders require seasoning to be effective. If you continually invest in your leadership development, the inevitable is growth over time.

4. The Law of Connection: Leaders Touch a Heart Before They Ask for a Hand
For leaders to be effective, they need to connect with people. All great leaders recognize this truth and act on it almost instinctively. You can’t move people to action unless you first move them with emotion.

5. The Law of Explosive Growth: To Add Growth, Lead Followers – To Multiply, Lead Leaders
You can grow by leading followers. But if you want to maximize your leadership and help your organization/team/family reach its potential, you need to develop leaders. There is no other way to experience explosive growth.

The best part about this program,  is that it is completely free.  There is a nominal fee for the book which you can purchase from my website.  Please be sure to purchase the version pictured in this email.  This small investment will reap great benefits to you upon the completion of the mastermind study.  Upon completing the 7-week group study, you will receive a certificate of completion.  The group study will be conducted via conference call.  

I am donating my time and the cost of presenting this material as my way of broadening my business and giving back to my aspiring community.  If this resonates with you and you can commit to the 7 weeks, please register today by completing the form at the bottom of the page.

The Power of a Mastermind
The Mastermind concept originated from Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill. This is one of the most successful books of all time, selling over 300 million copies. One of the main concepts to come out of the book is the idea of a “Mastermind” group.  Carnegie attributed much of his success to such a group.

During an interview with Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill asked him to what did he attribute his success. Carnegie replied:

“Well, if you want to know how I got my money, I will refer you to these men here on my staff; they got it for me. We have here in this business a master mind. It is not my mind, and it is not the mind of any other man on my staff, but the sum total of all these minds that I have gathered around me that constitute a master mind in the steel business.

I have been many years gathering these men around me and building this mind. Each man contributes an important part to the building of this mind. I do not always agree with all the men on my staff, on all matters, nor do they always agree with me. Perhaps some of us do not like each other from a personal viewpoint, but I know that I need these men and they know that they need me in the maintenance of this master mind that is necessary in carrying on this steel business.

Hill concluded that, “No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.”

Benefits of Joining the Mastermind Group

  • Increase your own experience and confidence
  • Sharpen your business and personal skills
  • Improve your personal and business relationships
  • Build upon your valuable support network
  • Benefit from honest and constructive feedback, coaching and advice
  • Benefit from group brainstorming to help you develop solutions and ideas
  • Leverage the experience, resources, knowledge and skills of the other members
  • Receive critical insights into yourself
  • Accountability and support to create and implement your growth plan
  • Increase your level of awareness and consciousness
  • Experience explosive growth in every area of your life
  • A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!

Here’s some specific information on the Mastermind Group Study

  • The mastermind meets once a week for 75 minutes, for 7 weeks, via conference call as we study the book.
  • You will receive an agenda and handout, prior to each session.
  • You will be provided with the conference dial-in information upon reserving your spot. 
  • All sessions will be recorded, and available for replay. 
  • Upon reserving your spot, you will receive the link to join the private “Aspiring Leaders!”  Facebook group.  The purpose of the group is to support and encourage one another to lead higher in our homes, teams, organizations and communities; to provide a forum for further learning, discussion and sharing of ideas; and other information pertinent to our growth and success.
  • The meetings are confidential and run professionally with a curriculum and complete respect for each participant’s privacy as well as complete respect for each participant’s time.
  • There is a level of commitment on my part to deliver the best material to you in the allotted time with the utmost standards of professionalism as well as a level of commitment on your part to come to each meeting on time, prepared and with a positive attitude.
  • As we move through each lesson, as a group we will bring together our ideas and opinions that will help shape and mold our understanding of the material in a way that is far superior to simply reading a book on your own. We will be combining all of our minds to becoming a master mind.
  • Your expectation of the 7 week study, will be to increase your awareness and understanding on how to evolve into an effective leader – raising your leadership lid to a new level.

Act now! There are only 10 seats available!  Complete the brief form below to reserve your spot today.  

I look forward to us taking this journey together.

Have an ASPIRING day!

Always Aspiring,




Yes!  I am interested in joining the Mastermind Group Study beginning on Wednesday, January 21, from 8:00 – 9:15 PM.

(Upon submitting the form, you will receive a Welcome email within 24 hours.  If you do not receive the email, please contact me directly at coachrosalynd@gmail.com)

Create “Knee Shaking” Goals and ASPIRE Higher in 2014!

Knee Shaking GoalsHappy 2014 My ASPIRING Friends!

A few days before the New Year, I began to reflect on my failures, successes and lessons learned in 2013.  As I began preparing and planning for 2014, I reviewed my goals and made the necessary adjustments.  Upon finalizing my goals, I felt pretty good…UNTIL…my conference call with Paul Martinelli, president of the John Maxwell Team.

On the first conference call of the New Year, Saturday, January 4, Paul addressed some of the issues we encounter when establishing goals.  When Paul said, “we have a tendency to lower our goals to what we think we can achieve,” an alarm went off in my head.  Immediately, I became aware of how I’ve been limiting my growth.  Consciously, I believed that I was establishing big, audacious and “knee shaking” goals.  However, I now realize that I was creating goals based on my current conditions, what I believed I could achieve.  Let me ask you, “When was the last time you created a goal that seemed unattainable, impossible or unimaginable?”  Can you imagine the level of transformation you would undergo as you strive to reach this type of goal? 

As someone that is committed to aspiring to greatness, I truly believed that I was setting goals that would stretch me and push me beyond my comfort zone.  However, during the call I realized that while many of my goals push me outside of my comfort zone, they’re not FAR beyond my comfort zone. After the call, I decided that I would establish what I have termed, “Unimaginable Goals.”  These are the goals that I dream about, but keep them as dreams, because I feel that I either do not possess the skills, intelligence, knowledge and/or resources to make it happen.  So, with these goals, the tendency is to place them on a list titled “The Wish List.” These are the goals we keep tucked away until we can “see” a way to make it happen.

Well, thanks to Joyce, one of my John Maxwell Team members, I have a new strategy! She said something so simple, yet profound.  Her life changing words were, “When I create goals that are impossible to meet, I delegate them to God.”  In that moment, I thought of the dozens of times I have spoken, trained or ministered on the topic, “The Power of Vision.”  Each time I have spoken on this subject, I have said, “God will never give us a vision and not make provision.  The HOW is not our problem, but God’s.  He will never give us an idea and not equip us to manifest it.”  Just a side note, while I consciously believe this, apparently there is some reprogramming that must be done in my subconscious mind.  Hence, the power of awareness.  Now, back to the topic at hand :).

So, here’s what I have decided to do in 2014.  I will create “knee shaking,” impossible goals, and delegate them to God.  At the appointed time, he will provide EVERYTHING that is needed to accomplish the goal.  But, here’s what I’m most excited about, NOT accomplishing the goal, but who I become on my journey to accomplishing the “knee shaking” goal. For the goals that I did not “fully” accomplish in 2013, I can truly say that in my pursuit of the goal, I have grown in courage, wisdom and faith.  Just imagine how these types of goals will stretch and develop you on a personal, professional and spiritual level.  I know you have “knee shaking” goals that are tucked away in the back of your mind; which you only visit in your dreams. Well, today, I invite you to take this journey with me.  So, review and revise your goal list.  Whatever you can take massive action on now, do it today!  For the “knee shaking” goals, delegate them to God.  If you exercise faith and courage in the attainment of these goals, I believe that God will step in and make the impossible, POSSIBLE.

It’s time for you to Live. Do. Be. Think. HIGHER!


If Today Were the Last Day of Your Life, How Would You Want to Live?

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are doing today?  If the answer to this question has been NO for several weeks, several months or several years, then it’s time for you to make a change.

We often say that life is so short. Yet, we spend our time as if we’re going to live forever.  If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting time.  Steve Jobs understood the importance of living each day as if it were you last.

Please watch this 2 minute video and be inspired to begin living your best life now!


BLOG TALK RADIO SHOW: The Power of Positive Self-Talk



If you were unable to join us, please click here to listen to the replay.  Thanks for your support!


Please join me and Sandra H. Sawyer, Esq. for a powerful 30-minute discussion on “The Power of Positive Self-Talk,” on Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST. This third strategy in our series on how to reprogram your subconscious mind for success will assist you in creating the life you want and deserve.  Remember, you have what you say!

To join us on the air, simply click on the link/image or dial in at (714) 409-0612. Please LIKE, SHARE and invite others to join us.


We look forward to you tuning in.

Have a FANSPIRING day!

Positive Self Talk – 5 Tips To Rid Your Mind Of Negativity

by Rhodri Jones

Self talk is the dialogue or ‘inner chatter’ that plays out in our mind. Whether it’s positive self-talk or negative self-talk this is a behavior that’s ever-present in all our lives.

We all talk to ourselves constantly throughout the day.

Everything that goes on our life is usually accompanied by our own ‘running commentaries’.

The problem is however, much of our self-talk is of a negative nature.

It is often colored with regrets and disappointments about our past, and fears and doubts about our future.

This negative inner dialogue not only affects the way we feel but it also affects the way we act.

All our actions are influenced by our thoughts. If our thoughts are positive, and uplifting then this leads us to taking more positive and inspired actions. If they are filled with pessimism and resistance then our actions will often be lacklustre and unproductive.

By changing the way we think it will in turn change the way we act.

Practicing positive self talk is a very powerful way of ridding our minds of negativity and replacing it with thoughts that will empower us to take more rewarding and inspiring actions.

There are many positive self talk activities that one can follow to help remove negativity from your mind.

Here are just five tips to help creating more powerful and inspiring self talk:

1. Become Aware And Acknowledge

Before you can begin to develop more positive thinking in your life, you must first become aware of and acknowledge that you’re having negative thoughts in the first place. Once you do this, you can then take the necessary actions to eradicate it from your life. Unfortunately, self talk is often such an habitual behavior, most people go through life totally oblivious to the negative thoughts and dialogue that consistently run through their heads.

2. Try Reasoning With Your Thoughts

When you catch yourself talking negatively to yourself, try and give reason and logic to why you are doing this. Establish why you are thinking this way by asking yourself questions like:

Is there any evidence that really justifies my negative thoughts? Am I losing perspective of the situation? Are there any positives that can come out of this situation? Am I really benefitting from wasting a lot of energy thinking about it?

3. Erase and Replace

Every time you become aware you’re having a negative thought try and erase it from your mind immediately and replace it with a positive self talk statement. For example, when you hear yourself saying ‘I can’t do this task… I’m just not good enough’, change it by saying something like ‘I’m going to confront this challenge head on, and do it to the best of my ability’.

4. Positive Affirmations

I’ve talked about the power and effectiveness of affirmations in many of my previous articles. Positive self talk affirmations are very powerful in changing your consistent thoughts and beliefs. Repeating positive affirmations on a daily basis will result in your subconscious mind being reprogrammed with new positive thoughts and inspiring beliefs. When this happens, the universe will open up a whole array of exciting opportunities, experiences and conditions that will inevitably improve your life.

Some examples of positive affirmations are:

– I am becoming better everyday

– I deserve to be happy

– I have faith and deep belief in myself

– I have strong faith in my ability to succeed

– I love challenges and embrace them

5. Remove Negative Influences From Your Life

Being around people who are constantly negative will greatly affect your energy and dramatically impact your positivity and happiness. You must become aware of those negative influences, and either limit your exposure to them as much as you can or even eliminate them from your life completely. Instead, surround yourself with people who radiate positive energy and who will empower you to succeed in every aspect of your life

Replacing negative self talk with one that is more positive is something that will not happen quickly. Ingrained self sabotaging beliefs that are a result of years of habitual negative thinking will take some time and effort before they are removed completely.

But fear not. If you diligently follow the above positive self talk tips, you will start experiencing major improvements in your life.

Self talk is something we all do every day. The things we consistently say to ourselves has a significant impact on our attitude towards life. A positive attitude is the key to achieving goals and experiencing success. Discover a powerful formula to manifest more and more success in life through the power of positive self talk.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rhodri_Jones

“The Butterfly Effect” — Your Life Makes A Difference!

“There are generations yet unborn whose very lives will be shifted and shaped by the moves you make and the actions you take today.”

Excerpt from the video “The Butterfly Effect”

If you are asking the question, “Does my life make a difference?,” the answer is “Absolutely Yes!” Please watch this short video and be inspired to make a difference in the lives of everyone you touch.

For more inspirational videos, please visit click here.