“Ladies For Such A Time As This” Blog Talk Radio Show


BTR 2“The Power of Affirmations and Visualization – Pt. 2”

What an empowering show!!!

Sandra Haynes Sawyer, Esq and I would like to thank those who tuned into the “Ladies For Such A Time As This” Blog Talk Radio Show on Saturday, March 16. We truly hope that you walked away equipped with some knowledge and strategies on how to effectively use affirmations and visualization to create the life you want and deserve.

Remember, what you do has everything to do with your belief system. Therefore, it is imperative that you reprogram your subconscious mind for success and change your limited and negative belief systems. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Today you must AFFIRM and VISUALIZE the life you want and deserve. Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

The Power of Affirmations and Visualization



Join me and Sandra Haynes Sawyer, Esq. for a powerful  30-minute discussion on “THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS AND VISUALIZATION – PT. 2,” on Saturday, March 16 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST. We are continuing our discussion from our last show on how these two strategies can help you reprogram your subconscious mind for success and assist you in functioning at a higher level of consciousness. Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

What I Know For Sure


What I Know For SureOn the eve of my 45th birthday, February 26, I could hear Oprah Winfrey’s infamous question playing over and over again in my mind, “What do you know for sure?” Over the past couple of years, I have observed her ask this question of many guests as they share stories and pass on their wisdom. It’s March 11, and this question has been playing as a loop in my mind.

As I envision myself sitting across from Oprah, we are engaged in stimulating conversation regarding our life experiences and lessons learned. Our time together is drawing to a close, and she smiles and asks me, “Rosalynd, what do you know for sure?” I share the following thoughts: Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

Visualization Is Daydreaming With A Purpose


daydreamby Richard Fast

“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.” ~ Bo Bennett

Many people’s reaction to visualization is that it’s a lot of New Age fluff.

Not so fast!

Visualization is such a powerful mental tool because we can literally create the experience we desire if the actual one we want is not available.

It’s a very real and effective tool. In fact, whether you know it or not, you practice visualization all the time.

Through our imagination and “visualization,” we can create a virtual experience. Science has proven that the human nervous system is incapable of distinguishing between actual experience and the same experience imagined vividly in complete detail.

Worry is a perfect example of how we create the synthetic experience. When we worry about something, what are we actually doing? We are projecting ourselves mentally, emotionally and even physically into a situation that hasn’t even occurred! Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

What’s Really Going On In Your Subconscious Mind?: The Power of the Subsconscious Mind



THANK YOU TO ALL THE LADIES WHO TUNED INTO OUR SHOW TODAY!  If you were unable to join us, due to the magic of technology, you can listen to the playback at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ladies-for-such-a-time-as-this/2013/02/16/whats-really-going-on-in-your-mind



Join me and Sandra H. Sawyer, Esq. on Blog Talk Radio, for a powerful 30-minute discussion on “What’s Really Going On In Your Mind: The Power of the Subconscious Mind,” on Saturday, February 16 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM EST.

“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.” ~ Robert Collier

The captain of your ship, which is your conscious mind, is responsible for navigating your life. When you make a conscious decision to do something, the subconscious mind is responsible for carrying out the order. What’s going on in your subconscious mind, will determine how the order is carried out. Some of you may feel as if your ship is either steering out of control or headed in the wrong direction. Join us on Saturday, as we discuss why this may be happening and what you can do to get back on course. (Please be sure to read “4 Powerful Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind To ASPIRE TO GREATNESS.”) Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

A Moment of Transparency #1


A Moment of Transparency #1“Greatness of mind is not dependent upon one’s title, class or stature, but rather one’s ability to extend grace, love and compassion to another in the midst of adversity.” ~ Rosalynd M. Rambert

Just sharing…

Today, I find myself challenged as I contemplate the state of several personal relationships.   The more aware I become, and the more committed I become to “becoming the change I want to see in the world,” the phrase “relationships take work,” have taken on a completely new meaning.

As I navigate the complex waters of relationships, I have come to realize that many people don’t have a consciousness of what it takes to nurture, maintain and manage a healthy relationship.  Personally, I believe two of the main challenges we face is our “definition” and “expectations” of the relationship.  How have you “defined” the relationship you are in?  Does the person hold the same definition? What are your expectations for the relationship and the individual?  What have you committed to contributing to the relationship?  Are you proactively nurturing and managing the relationship in a healthy way?  Does the person place the same value on the relationship that you do? Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

4 Powerful Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to ASPIRE TO GREATNESS!


Subconscious MindIt’s the evening before your 7-day Caribbean cruise to Antigua.  As you pack your suitcase, you are filled with anticipation of all the fun and adventurous things you and your six friends will do while cruising on the ship and indulging in the sights and activities on the Antiguan Island.

Beep, beep, beep…the alarm reads 5:00 AM. You jump excitedly out of bed and shower and dress within record time.  Screeching outside your doors are the tires of the yellow cab destined to the airport. As the driver zips and whizzes through traffic, you conference in the group to ensure everyone is en route to the airport.

Seven hours after the ship sets sail, you and your friends sense something has gone awry as you watch the staff move in a hurried fashion on the upper and lower decks. On your way to the restroom you overhear a crewman saying to another, “Can you believe the ship is off course? They better hurry and reprogram the system so the ship can get back on course.” Like the ship, many of you are off course. Why? Because of the faulty programming in your subconscious mind. Before you get offended, we all have faulty programming.  To get to the place you desire to be in life, you must reprogram your subconscious mind for success!

“You are like a captain navigating a ship. He must give the right orders, and likewise, you must give the right orders (thoughts and images) to your subconscious mind which controls and governs all your experiences.” ~ Dr. Joseph Murphy

Hurry and read the rest of the post 🙂

BLOG TALK RADIO: Ladies for Such A Time As This


IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO TUNE INTO THE SHOW, THE PLAYBACK IS AVAILABLE AT http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ladies-for-such-a-time-as-this/2013/02/02/how-to-preserve-your-vision


Please join me and my wonderful co-host Sandra Haynes Sawyer, ESQ on Saturday, February 2 @ 10:00 AM EST for a powerful 30-minute discussion on “How to Preserve Your Vision.” This discussion is sure to motivate, empower, inspire and energize you to recognize the power you have within to bring about the change you desire in all areas and aspects of your life!.

To join us on the air, please click on the image to navigate to the site, or you can dial in at (714) 409-0612.


We look forward to you tuning in.

Have a FANSPIRING day Happy